Coffee on Canvas

Coffee on Canvas

Coffee is an inexpensive natural dye whose potential for artwork is limitless. It is a beautiful medium for monochromatic artwork with a wide range of rich brown hues.


Painting with coffee is a great way to express your creativity on paper or canvas in an environmentally friendly way. What more?

Therapists say that art allows children to process their world and deal with emotions in a safe place. 

Artists say that art in itself is a source of beauty and expression.

Iburu Coffee

Kids say it is fun, an activity they enjoy.

Parents say that it keeps everyone engaged and happy, sometimes helping with difficult transitions of the day. But...

Iburu Coffee

Educators say that art encourages fine motor skills, neural development, and problem-solving abilities. Further, that art can help to teach and understand other key subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science!


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Gakii Mugendi
